
Learn how eXciteOSA® has helped others to improve their quality of life, sleep and relationships.

Watch these testimonial videos to hear patients and physicians share their experiences with eXciteOSA. These video testimonials feature real patients and physicians; some have been nominally compensated for their time. Read more eXciteOSA testimonials from prescribing physicians.

Patient and Physician Testimonial Compilation

Patients love it, physicians recommend it. Find out why.


Brandon appreciates the ease of use and non-invasiveness of eXciteOSA. He experienced increased productivity and became a more active participant in his home life.


eXciteOSA has finally allowed Ryan to sleep peacefully throughout the night. Not only has his anxiety decreased, but his relationship with his family has benefitted.

Dr. Asim Roy

Claims that it’s great to have another therapy option for mild OSA and snoring patients, especially since eXciteOSA allows patients to sleep more naturally.

Dr. Tabarak Qureshi

Believes that not only is it a reliable therapy option, but it is also portable and easy to use, which will ultimately help with patient adherence.


As someone who travels a lot, Marie likes that eXciteOSA is so portable and easy to maintain. She found that it was very easy to integrate the device into her life.